…to Travel Loving Care, our family-owned boutique travel agency. Collectively, we have journeyed to 34 states, 31 countries, and 5 continents. We have resided in Asia, Europe and both coasts of the United States. Our magnificent memories are immeasurable.
But we are not the norm. And perhaps, neither are you.
We love to work and play and work and yes, play. Indeed, we continue to manage fulfilling professional careers that we nurture by occasional detachment to travel the world. This lifestyle has fueled our passion for curating for ourselves and others bespoke vacations to soothe the soul.
As such, we have dedicated time and space to design vacations for those who share our same philosophy. That vacation days should not just be accrued but used for better performance at work and enjoyment of life.
If this resonates with you, welcome to the club! This is a community of high level achievers who embrace this identity of wellbeing–that deserving vacations are not reserved only for retirement.
So if you, too, are not the norm, then let the living of the dream begin. And never end.